welcome to geouniversal! 
the image you are missing is a shot from the tv series SPACE:1999
showing two dreamlike planets around some glowing dustclouds

everywhere is space
the sky
and inward
toward the universe


music for programming:
a series of mixes intended for listening while programming to aid concentration and increase productivity
(also compatible with other activities)

earth :: a global map of wind, weather and ocean conditions:
a visualization of global weather conditions
forecast by supercomputers
updated every three hours

zen stories to tell your neighbours
zen stories
to leave you thinking

michael wolf photography
architecture of density
informal seating arrangements
lost laundry

pondercast podcast
laurie brown
night radio warlock

stuff in space:
stuff in space is a realtime 3D map of objects in earth orbit, visualized using WebGL. the website updates daily with orbit data from space-track.org and uses the excellent satellite.js javascript library to calculate satellite positions.

galaxy zoo:
classify galaxies - to understand how galaxies formed we need your help to classify them according to their shapes. if you're quick, you may even be the first person to see the galaxies you're asked to classify.
part of the zooniverse citizen science projects


challenge the notion
that we must have wage-earning jobs
in order to live, and that we are not entitled
to indulge our passions and interests unless
we do so for monetary profit or have independent wealth.

josh jones summarizing the views
of bertrand russell and bucky fuller